Wanna hear a story?
Jesus grabbed my heart when I was 18 years old. After I had been in church for 18 years. Just going about my lukewarm life, and he got ahold of me on a warm night at summer camp, underneath a billion stars. That night I decided to follow Jesus and become a pastor.
Jesus grabbed my heart again 8 years later. After I had gone through Bible College and worked in vocational ministry for 7 years. This time it was slower, more subtle, but no less transformational. Over a period of fasting and prayer, I decided to quit my job at a church I loved and follow Jesus into something new.
In the beginning of 2016, along with about 20 of our best friends, my wife and I started our new church, Antioch, with a simple goal: Teach people to love God, love people, and be on mission, and then send them out as missionaries to plant house churches. Our vision is to send out 1000 missionaries in the next 30 years.
Why does this matter?
This story is the entire reason I am in the graphic design business.
I still have the heart of a pastor, and my deepest desire is to serve Jesus and his church in whatever capacity I can. Before enrolling in Bible college, I attended Central Washington University, majoring in communication and design. I believe that my team and I can help small businesses and churches in the area of branding and visual communication, and let pastors get back to pastoring. I love churches and their pastors!
When the apostle Paul would travel around planting churches, he made every effort to remain financially independent - he chose to make canvas tents rather than create a financial burden for his young churches. This graphic design business is my version of "tent-making".