Soma Spokane


Soma already had a well-established design philosophy when they reached out to us, looking for a website that could match their other print collateral without being too busy. In addition, they needed to host a huge library of content - podcasts, sermon audio, and pdf notes.

The resulting site is a beautiful hub for their members to find all the resources they need in one place!


Ptera Wireless


The wonderful folks at Ptera are hard at work bringing wireless internet to Eastern Washington, and needed to update their website to reflect all their new products. We tightened up their headlines and copy text, reorganized their sitemap, and added some new video elements - all while staying true to the design framework they already had in place.

In addition to the website, we’ve helped them create a suite of great videos, designed print collateral, and launched Facebook and Google CPC ad campaigns. If you’re in need of marketing help, contact us today!


Antioch Spokane


Antioch is a different type of church - a network of house churches - and needed a site that could make the mission and vision very clear and eliminate confusion. We spent extra time refining their headlines, trying to make them as clear and concise as possible. The whole site is designed to answer questions and get visitors to click on the “Visit a Service” page.

Videos and media became a huge part of this site - especially having a library of sermons and podcasts that could be revisited.


Ellsworth Books


When you’re a USA Today Bestselling author with more than 20 titles, your readers want to be able to find all your books in one place. Mr. Ellsworth wanted a site that was as visual as a book cover - a clear indicator to readers that they are in for a thrill.

Many readers purchase their books through Amazon, so it was important to have his full catalog set up as an instant sales funnel to his Amazon page, whether from desktop, mobile, or the Kindle interface. Categorizing books by series allows them to be easily found and added to the shopping cart.

In addition to the website, we’ve designed most of the covers for Mr. Ellsworth’s books - if you need a great website, a great book cover, or both - contact us today!


Deer Park Diesel


When our friends at Deer Park Diesel called us up, they had a problem: they needed a way to set themselves apart from a competitive field. They hate the stereotype that mechanics are dishonest, and have built their entire business on doing things RIGHT the first time, every time.

With that in mind, we wanted to build a site where they could share about their values and their process, produce interesting and relevant videos and blog posts, and schedule appointments seamlessly. Using some excellent photographs taken by the business owner, we made something that’s clear but also fits in amongst the gearhead culture.

In the process of creating the site, we also did a logo overhaul and created some video content for their social media accounts!
